Little Lambs Inc.

A ministry dedicated to helping men and women

behind bars through discipleship and biblical education.

Counseling Services

     Eileen Sala is available for pastoral counseling
sessions, marriage counseling, codependency counseling,
during the office hours at Little Lambs Inc.

If you would like to schedule a meeting, please
call (863)273-6075 to make an appointment.

All counseling is free of charge (donation only).

Our goal is to listen, understand, and offer christian counsel, in a
private and comfortable atmosphere during your time of need.

Eileen Sala
 Eileen Sala offers counseling on topics like co-dependency recovery, marriage counseling, and anger management.

If you are in need, 
please don't hesitate to call us.  

We would love to help you 
in the best way we can!