Little Lambs Inc.

A ministry dedicated to helping men and women

behind bars through discipleship and biblical education.

Little Lambs Inc. News
Released To Love   February 16, 2016
Ladies Codependent Recovery Meeting
            Codependency often shows up in our lives as a pattern of dysfunctional or abusive relationships. The inability to say no to some people in our lives keeps us saying yes to abusive behaviors.  Kept in this sort of bondage, we are only loving to get love.  Now, freed from bondage, we can be Released to Love, God's way!
         The focus of the meetings will be on building a relationship with God and good biblical boundaries. Boundaries that will stop other people's abusive behaviors toward us.
          Leading and facilitating the meeting will be Mary Tinberg, a long time member and volunteer at Little Lambs.  Mary has graded our lessons, works in the office, and ministered to women through Little Lambs.  We are excited to welcome her back in ministry as she bring a lot of experience through CODA (Codependents Anonymous) and has chaired many meetings in different areas in the past.  Mary will be joined by Ruth Hoffman who has ALNON experience. 
          This is an open meeting and there is no cost. It will be held downstairs at Little Lambs Inc.  You will park in the rear and enter the rear door at 6:30 pm on Thursdays.
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